Abrites VIN Reader

Manufacturer: Abrites
Abrites VIN Reader
Picture of Abrites

Abrites VIN Reader

Abrites VIN Reader is an outstanding tool with multiple purposes that you can use to read and compare VIN (Vehicle Identification Numbers) in vehicles of multiple brands.


  • It consists of an Abrites Bluetooth device and the free Abrites VIN reader application that you can find on the Google Play and App Store.
  • Once the VIN reader is connected to a vehicle of interest, it gathers a list of the VIN numbers within this vehicle and displays them on your phone screen. When this is done you can easily compare the VIN numbers within the vehicle directly on the screen of your device and you can see if the VIN numbers match each other and the physical VIN number stamped on the vehicle. From this point on, the Abrites VIN reader will run a search through the largest stolen vehicle databases and will immediately provide you with a report of the comparison against the databases.
  • The Abrites VIN reader has a vast variety of applications. For example, it can be used by law enforcement agencies from around the world to provide assistance in special operations and regular vehicle checks.
  • Another great application for the VIN reader is in the regular vehicle inspection centers around the world. More and more regulatory agencies require the full VIN number report from the vehicle during the regular safety inspections such as MOT, TÜV and others.

Abrites VIN Reader
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