TA36 - Abrites 40/80 Bit DST+ Transponder Emulator
This replaces the TA17 & TA7 transponders.
Emulation of all DST+ transponders in 40 or 80 bits SK authentication mode. Useful for master smart key preparation by diagnostic with Abrites Diagnostics for Toyota/Lexus/Scion vehicles, cloning of Texas 4D keys, programming on Ford vehicles.
Emulation Toyota/Lexus/Scion g-transponder (type 98 smart key DST 80). Content of the transponder is fixed. Useful for master key programming by dump.
Replacement of all DST+ transponders in 80 bits SK authentication mode for all bikes (BMW, Husqvarna etc.)
The transponder can be reset and re-used on another vehicle.
The transponder supports key blades using Keyline's Horseshoe system