Superlock II - Master Key Software
The perfect program for calculation and administration of master key systems.
With Superlock II you can:
- Calculate key cutting and cylinder pinning in systems with either a single or multiple profiles.
- Calculate keys and cylinders when you type in keys, cylinders and accesses in the lock chart.
- Calculate the extensions and inserts the changes when you modify a system.
- Check for illegal keys, keys without access and illegal accesses etc...
- See the cylinder build, create a list for printing, or send the information to a cutting/assembly machine.
- Setup your own profile sets and make Superlock assign the profiles to each key and cylinder.
- Receive systems from Planner, calculate them and return them to the same Planner or to a Keybank for the administration of keys and cylinders.
- Plus much more.
Superlock II Mini:
- Compatible with the latest Windows versions (32 and 64 bit), Superlock II is also available in a Mini version for locksmiths that do not need to create lock systems larger than 200 keys and
cylinder codes.
For more information and a full pricelist, check out the leaflet in the Product Files section at the bottom of this page.