Mortice Lock Spare Lever Board No.1


Board Only.


Space To Fit Levers Below:

CHD(1-9) CHUBB 110 - 1 to 9

CHL(1-8) CHUBB 114 BS1980 - 1 to 8

CHL3G114E(1-8) CHUBB 114-E BS2004 - 1 to 8

UN5LE(1-7) CHUBB 3U or UNION 5-E BS2004 - 1 to 7

ERA126-52-(1-7) ERA Fortress 261- 262- BS2004 - 1 to 7

ERA126-32-(1-7) ERA Fortress Classic 231- 232- BS2004 - 1 to 7


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You must order at least [min-order-qty] of this product. We currently hold [remaining-stock] in stock. The remainder will be put on back order.

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